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PowerBox GPS 111

PowerBox GPS 111


PowerBox GPS111
Technical Data Operating voltage 4.0 V - 9.0 V Current drain Power-on state max. 60 mA Supported RC systems PowerBox, Jeti, Futaba, Multiplex, Graupner Supported telemetry systems P²-BUS, FastTrack, Jeti-EX, S.BUS2, M-Link, HoTT Dimensions 58 x 18 x 17 mm Weight 14 g Temperature range -30 °C to +75 °C


Product description


The new GPS III is the result of a continuing programme of development of the GPS II, which has now been on the market for a good eight years. The software has been completely restructured, enabling us to improve the unit’s performance significantly. Amongst other new features, measured values are now transferred with greater precision.

The GPS III automatically detects the make of radio control system or PowerBox/iGyro to which it is connected, and sets up correct communication completely automatically.

Futaba users can select different slots using PowerBox Terminal. For HoTT and Multiplex systems it is possible to set up various alarms for altitude or distance.

With most systems the GPS III can display additional information, such as the number of satellites, the accuracy of the positional information and the 2D distance.

The new unit utilises the proven Helix Radial antenna introduced with the GPS II. This provides an important feature which is unique to the PowerBox GPS: it is the only unit to guarantee GPS reception in all flight attitudes.

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